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You awake from an entranced sleep to find yourself standing in a dream state of reality in outer space. The questions of your existence don’t compel you since you feel like you’ve been here before. In a sense, you are at peace and let your actions flow to your desires. What itches at you the … Continue reading

Virtual Consciousness

Virtual Consciousness

Virtual Reality (VR) has been in development for decades, first capturing the eyes and minds of technologically-savvy subcultures in the 80’s and 90’s. However, recently it has gained mainstream attention; since technology has become more advanced, widespread and available to modern society, VR has been developed from a cult fantasy, from virtual possibility, into reality. … Continue reading

Restricted Classification

Restricted Classification

Classification has been one of Australia’s greatest downfalls in gaming stopping the full intention and story of a developers creation, to have scenes removed or completely out right ban a game for its themes in violence or nudity. It’s annoying the say the least but in this day and age the rating system should really … Continue reading

Digital Drugs

Digital Drugs

Addiction is heavily understood around booze, chemical substances, gambling, tobacco smoking and pleasure seekers. Its also wide spread into many other fields that may not be as life threating but still trick the human brain into shooting that sweet dopamine for the sense of happiness. Food, masturbation, fitness and getting lost in a world of virtual beauty. … Continue reading

Virtues of SEX

Virtues of SEX

Lets look at this honestly together, women don’t quite get the rightly perceived wrap in the history of video games. Often depicted and sexual items or maidens in distress waiting to be saved by her man. It is unfair that the equality isn’t on point, but then again.. men don’t really get the best image either … Continue reading

Video Games + Violence = ?

Video Games + Violence = ?

= a very outdated controversy.. The subject has been around since those beautiful days of ripping out spines in Mortal Kombat and shooting demons in Quake. Those images may be invasive to sensitive eyes (generally 40+y/o) and typically understood as some form of evil pleasure made to harm the younger generations, turning them all into … Continue reading

Defining The Genre

Defining The Genre

From arcade to puzzle, text-based to platformer, MMO to first person, strategy to simulator, these genres have seen our eyes, danced on our finger tips and defined a whole generation of history in our worlds library of fantastic games. Each year has brought its own serving to the table, sharing its flavor temporarily as the aroma … Continue reading

Ludonarrative Dissonance

Ludonarrative Dissonance

For those unaware the term ‘ludonarrative dissonance’, it basically dwells along the lines of when a game’s mechanics don’t quite flow with the story being told throughout the game itself. There are tones of examples out there but a broad example would be a first person shooter, when a character gets shot a hundred and … Continue reading